Sunday 1 November 2009

Daily Conversation

When I am not trotting off to Kenya, I am the 24/7 carer for my mother (87 years young).

This is the conversation that we have several times a day:

Mum: When are you going [to Kenya]?

Me: 11th November.

Mum: When are you coming back?

Me: 11th December

Mum: Do you really have to go?

What do I say? "If I don't go, I will go mad!" " I have to lead my own life!" or "I will be back before you know it."

This last is of course not true, she suffers every day I am away.

Guilt trip!


Tamaku said...

Hey, I'm sure she's very proud of all the good work you do. Nonetheless mums never stop worrying, that's just how it is :)

BabaMzungu said...

Hi Tamaku
She doesn't really understand what I do in Kenya. We have discussed it many times, but I am afraid that it doesn't really sink in - so sad!