Thursday 14 February 2008

New Storm Brewing

A diplomatic row is brewing between Kenya and the United Kingdom following a statement by High Commissioner Adam Wood that the Government, as currently constituted, did not reflect the wishes of Kenyans, according to the Daily Nation.

Well, as a Brit, it is nice to see that someone is taking a positive stance over the situation. The governments in Europe have rattled a few sabres, but as yet, as far as I can see, have not actually done anything.

The US has prevented a few Kenyan legislators from acquiring visas, preventing them from entering the USA - big deal!

Mr Wetangula is hopping mad at the remarks - does the truth hurt? - "... the high commissioner is still hell-bent to wreck the boat.”

Mr Wetangula said the Government, as currently constituted, does not need a stamp from the British authorities to reflect the will of Kenyans. True, they need a kick up the @rse!

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